The sport of Badminton
Badminton is a setback game that is played with a badminton racket and a shuttlecock. The players try to hit the ball over a net so that the opponent cannot hit it back. It can be played as a single, double or mixed. It is played in the hall. Badminton is competitively run by over 14 million players worldwide in more than 160 nations (source wikipedia).
Badminton puts high spiritual and physical demand on the players. Speed, strength, endurance and cardiovascular systems are used during a game, while concentration as well as responsiveness are trained and developed during a competition. In addition, badminton aids flexibility, stamina and burns large amounts of fat. This versatility makes badminton a hard and demanding competition sport. However, badminton is also an excellent leisure sport. Approx. 80% of the worlds population play in leisure centres, on the street, on vacation, on the beach. A court is not always necessary, as long as you have a shuttle and rackets you can play. Central issue, it is great fun and everybody moves.
Badminton is an excellent recreational sport. Approximately 80% of the population plays at least irregularly in the hall, on the street, on vacation, on the beach or on the meadow. A playing field is not always necessary, it doesn't matter where the ball comes from. The main thing is that it is fun and you move.
Badminton Game Rules

Badminton Game Rules
In singles, 1 player on each side.
In doubles and mixed there are 2 players each.
The side of the field is drawn by throwing a shuttlecock on the edge of the net or a coin. The winning side chooses either the right to serve or to play first on a specific side. The losing side chooses the remaining option. The ball is hit back and forth alternately by the serving and receiving side until a point or a mistake is made. The side that wins a set begins serving in the next set. It is played on 2 winning sets.
With proper service, the server and receiver are within diagonally opposite service courts // the ball is hit below the server's waist // the ball falls into the receiver's service court // the entire clubhead is below the server's waist // at the moment of ball contact .
With the "rally point counting method" one point is awarded for each rally. In all disciplines, two winning sets up to 21 points per set are played, with a lead of at least two points having to be achieved at the end of the set. At 21:20, for example, play continues until one side has a two-point lead – but no more than 30 points. At 29:29, the next point leads to winning the set or the game.
If there is a "replay", the player who served last serves again. "Replay" may be given for any unforeseen event that disrupts play, eg if the server serves before the receiver is ready, or if the ball from another court interferes with play.
If the leading party scores 11 points in a set, there is a one-minute break during which the game may not leave the field. There is an additional break of two minutes between each set, during which the field and its surroundings may be left.
At the end of a set and when the leading side's score reaches 11 in the 3rd set.
If the server misses the ball while serving // if any object other than the ball touches the net // if a player touches the ball twice in a row // if the serve is incorrect // if the ball during play: a) lands outside the field, b) is played through or under the net, c) is not struck by the player on his side of the field.
If your own score is even, you serve from the right, if your score is odd, from the left. The first right to serve is drawn.
Basically, as in singles, if your own score is even, you serve from the right, if you have an odd score, you serve from the left. Each team has only one right to serve.

Point gain Server: If the serving party wins the rally, the server continues to serve. He then switches to the other service court and serves to the partner of the first receiver. If he wins several points, he always switches between the right and left service field as with the traditional counting method.
Point gain for receiver: If the receiving party wins the rally, they receive a point and the right to serve. The positions of the players remain unchanged and it is served again from the right (if your own score is even) or from the left (if your own score is odd).
Position: The service field from which the player whose turn it is after the right to serve in doubles serves after a change of service results from the position in which the players last stood. A change of positions did not take place despite the point win, since this only occurs after a point win with one's own serve. In order to take their positions, the players must therefore remember where they last stood, and no longer - as with the traditional counting method - where they both stood at zero.
Badminton has been included in the new curricula as a supplementary area, so that badminton can be played in physical education in every school. In cooperation with the ministry, the BWBV (Baden-Württemberg Badminton Association), for example, trains up to 80 teachers from all types of schools in the sport of badminton every year.